I asked my mom to help me remember the time I was saved by a wolf, and I found that my memories had morphed into imaginary wonderlands. Which is pretty awesome.
So, I was about 8 years old. My family's first house was off of Cleveland Ave., in a pretty bad neighborhood. I suppose I had just gotten home from school and was hanging around the driveway. Our neighbors next door had three kids that I spent most of my time with- and their family had taken in a stray dog while they looked for it's owner. The other kids and I named the dog (a scruffy german shephard) Lucky, because he only had three legs, and we thought he must have been pretty lucky to be alive. I really liked Lucky, we hung out a lot- I remember I would give him hugs- I thought we got along really great - but for some reason, this day when I was hanging around the driveway after school Lucky turned viscious and tried to kill me.
This is where the wolf comes in. His name was Jäger and the people who lived in the house before the neighbors who took in Lucky had probably gotten him off the black market or something. When they sold the house, they told my new neighbors that they would be back in a few days to pick him up- but they never came, so Jäger became their pet wolf. He was acutally really scary looking, a huge- beautiful terrifying animal -but the nicest creature in the whole whide whorld. I loved him more than any of my other friends. There used to be a girl wolf too, Jäger's hunnie, Amber- but she was hit by a car in front of my house when I was 5 or 6. I think the neighbors who bought him were breeding them and selling the litter- but my Mom says I am making that up. After Amber died, Jäger and I were inseperable, at least in my mind- because he didn't belong to me. His pen lined up with the fence in my backyard, and I think I used to talk to him back there and stick my fingers through the chain link to try to pet him.
This one day when I was hanging around the driveway after school, Lucky charged me. He latched on to my upper arm/elbow area- and in my memory this is when Jäger sails over the 5 ft. fence dividing my neighbors yard and mine, and takes Lucky down by the neck, pinning him to the pavement. My Mom says there was no fence- that Jäger charged Lucky in the same way Lucky had charged me, and for years I've been telling people about this magestic leap- and searching for some sort of scar from Lucky's teeth. My Mom said Lucky didn't even get the chance to bite down before Jäger interveened. Both versions of the story are pretty cool- but I think it's so great that I remembered all these magnificent details that never happened.
I'm pretty sure Lucky was put down because of that. But, that could be imaginary too. All I know is that he was taken away.
When I think about him now I remember how lonely Jäger seemed. He was a very sad, noble animal. I went back to that house to visit him once, and he seemed even more alienated- though still sweet and kind. I went back again, and his pen with the two handbuilt doghouses were still there in the yard- but Jäger was gone.
The end.
So, I was about 8 years old. My family's first house was off of Cleveland Ave., in a pretty bad neighborhood. I suppose I had just gotten home from school and was hanging around the driveway. Our neighbors next door had three kids that I spent most of my time with- and their family had taken in a stray dog while they looked for it's owner. The other kids and I named the dog (a scruffy german shephard) Lucky, because he only had three legs, and we thought he must have been pretty lucky to be alive. I really liked Lucky, we hung out a lot- I remember I would give him hugs- I thought we got along really great - but for some reason, this day when I was hanging around the driveway after school Lucky turned viscious and tried to kill me.
This is where the wolf comes in. His name was Jäger and the people who lived in the house before the neighbors who took in Lucky had probably gotten him off the black market or something. When they sold the house, they told my new neighbors that they would be back in a few days to pick him up- but they never came, so Jäger became their pet wolf. He was acutally really scary looking, a huge- beautiful terrifying animal -but the nicest creature in the whole whide whorld. I loved him more than any of my other friends. There used to be a girl wolf too, Jäger's hunnie, Amber- but she was hit by a car in front of my house when I was 5 or 6. I think the neighbors who bought him were breeding them and selling the litter- but my Mom says I am making that up. After Amber died, Jäger and I were inseperable, at least in my mind- because he didn't belong to me. His pen lined up with the fence in my backyard, and I think I used to talk to him back there and stick my fingers through the chain link to try to pet him.
This one day when I was hanging around the driveway after school, Lucky charged me. He latched on to my upper arm/elbow area- and in my memory this is when Jäger sails over the 5 ft. fence dividing my neighbors yard and mine, and takes Lucky down by the neck, pinning him to the pavement. My Mom says there was no fence- that Jäger charged Lucky in the same way Lucky had charged me, and for years I've been telling people about this magestic leap- and searching for some sort of scar from Lucky's teeth. My Mom said Lucky didn't even get the chance to bite down before Jäger interveened. Both versions of the story are pretty cool- but I think it's so great that I remembered all these magnificent details that never happened.
I'm pretty sure Lucky was put down because of that. But, that could be imaginary too. All I know is that he was taken away.
When I think about him now I remember how lonely Jäger seemed. He was a very sad, noble animal. I went back to that house to visit him once, and he seemed even more alienated- though still sweet and kind. I went back again, and his pen with the two handbuilt doghouses were still there in the yard- but Jäger was gone.
The end.
The hardest thing to do with a thought is to write it down.